
APT Parking is a leading Consulting Firm that specializes in Automated Parking Garages. APT Parking is experienced in the design, installation, and operation of automated parking garages, and is extremely familiar with the different types of automated parking systems in the marketplace and the various automated parking suppliers.

APT Parking has consulted for hundreds of real estate developers and municipalities regarding the design, selection, installation, operation, and technical aspects of automated parking garages.

Lee Lazarus, CEO of APT Parking Technologies, was engaged by the National Parking Association, a leading North American parking trade association, to co-author its book entitled “Guide to the Design and Operation of Automated Parking Facilities”, the authoritative source for information for architects and engineers, and Lee was a member of a select group of industry experts selected to draft the National Fire Protection Association’s standards for fire suppression for automated parking garages (NFPA 88A). Lee also served as the Chairman & President of the Automated & Mechanical Parking Association, the industry trade association, and has been a guest lecturer at numerous parking conventions, including the National Parking Association, Parking Industry Exhibition, and the International Parking Institute. ds.